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电子游戏软件启动 飙升的高 资本运动

30亿美元的竞选活动, 这是大学历史上最大的一次, 会为重要的学术项目筹集资金吗, 金融援助, 以及学生生活倡议. 

9月28日,电子游戏软件成立 飙升的高, a 30亿美元 campaign to raise money for the University’s strategic priorities during the coming decade. 电子游戏软件杂志 sat down with Senior Vice President for University Advancement Andrew Davidson to learn more about the most ambitious campaign in University history.

30亿美元 飙升的高 campaign is not only the largest in BC history, but it doubles the goal of the previous campaign.

毫无疑问,这是一个雄心勃勃的目标. There are not a lot of colleges or universities in the world that can have a campaign of this size. 所以,这是我们所在的精英公司,我们很高兴来到这里. 

优先事项是什么 飙升的高?

该运动的优先事项是大学需求的核心. 首先, 飙升的高 会关注学术需求吗, 包括雇佣额外的教员, 授予教师席位和奖学金, 并投资于我们所有九所学校和大学的学术项目. 第二,它将侧重于增加财政援助资源. Our goal is to raise $1 billion for financial aid, to meet the growing needs of our students. 第三个重点领域将是支持学生生活项目, 比如静修, 服务沉浸机会, and foreign study; campus facilities, including undergraduate housing and space for student formation and wellness; and investments in our athletic programs.

Why are endowed professorships and fellowships so important to attracting and retaining great faculty?

对很多教员来说, holding an endowed chair represents the pinnacle of their academic career and signifies that they are at the highest level within their field. Expanding endowed professorships is critical to our ability to attract and retain the very best faculty. 我们正在与全国顶尖的学院和大学竞争, 电子游戏软件需要投资以保持竞争力.


和其他大学一样, 在不列颠哥伦比亚省,依靠经济援助的学生人数正在稳步增长. 电子游戏软件 is one of only twenty-one universities in the country that is need-blind in undergraduate admissions and meets the full demonstrated need of all accepted students. 在这21所学校中, 然而, BC的禀赋最小, which results in fewer dollars available to allot to our students compared with those at wealthier schools. We will need a significant increase in gifts in support of financial aid to continue this important commitment. 电子游戏软件’s 金融援助 allocation has nearly doubled in the past decade to $166 million in need-based undergraduate financial aid this academic year, providing access for lots of students who otherwise would not be able to afford a BC education. 我们需要继续满足这种经济需求,尤其是中等收入家庭. 


我们在电子游戏软件提供的教育在高等教育中是与众不同的, 尤其是当你看到与我们竞争学生的精英学校时. 在这四年里,我们的本科生都在这里, 形成贯穿于他们教育经历的各个方面, 无论是在教室里, 在学生宿舍, 校园事工活动, 或者在我们的运动场上. Supporting student life and formative education is a key part of what we are looking to do in this campaign. 

除了这三个关键的优先事项,大学还有什么其他的举措 飙升的高 address?

一个重要的倡议是松树庄园电子游戏正规平台所, which was established through a $100 million investment from BC and its benefactors to enhance educational access and success for underrepresented students. Among the Pine Manor Institute’s many important initiatives are the Academy—which brings underserved kids in grades 8 through 12 to study at BC each summer, 帮助他们为大学和墨西拿学院做准备, 一个住宅, two-year associate degree–granting division of 电子游戏软件 that will open in the summer of 2024. Messina College will provide students with the skills that they need to either go into the workforce or transition into an undergraduate degree program—whether at BC or other schools. And it is in keeping with BC’s mission of opening the door to education for people who might otherwise be excluded. 这是我们1863年使命的核心,今天也是核心. 

当你与BC的赞助人见面时, 他们对大学最大的期望是什么?

他们决心让电子游戏软件继续保持它的势头和轨迹. 这就是为什么 飙升的高 这个名字适合这个运动吗. 我们社区中有一种强烈的愿望,希望BC不要放松, 我们将继续向前推进, 我们将继续投资使BC成为世界上最好的耶稣会, 天主教大学.


  摄影:Lee Pellegrini


今年3月,安德鲁·戴维森被任命为卑诗大学负责大学发展的高级副校长. Davidson previously worked in 领导 positions in fundraising at both Harvard University and Dartmouth College. 他是罗格斯大学(Rutgers)的一名大学生桨手,在硕士级别的划船比赛中具有竞争力.

“是什么吸引我来电子游戏软件的? 这是使命. Jesuit education is an important part of who I am and an important part of my experience in life. 我的岳父弗朗西斯. 奥康纳, 是耶稣会士在电子游戏软件高中教的, 圣十字学院, 和BC省法学院. 他的榜样对我的家庭是至关重要的. 我儿子查理是以查理·邓恩的名字命名的, SJ, 他是圣十字会受人爱戴的耶稣会士, 我妻子在那里工作了将近25年. 他是我们生命中重要的一部分,我们深爱着他. 此外, 当我三十多岁见到我的亲生家人时, 我得知我的姐妹们都毕业于圣克拉拉大学, 我还认识一些叔叔阿姨,他们也去过那里. 我也有个叔叔成为了耶稣会士. 所以,耶稣会的根基和价值观对我的家庭很重要. The opportunity to work at a place where the mission is tied so closely with who I am as a person was something that really inspired me. 我很荣幸有机会来到这里支持BC.”

You came to 电子游戏软件 from Dartmouth, which had just surpassed its own 30亿美元 campaign goal. 在那之前,你帮助哈佛达到了6美元.50亿目标. 他们成功的关键是什么,在你看来,BC如何复制它?

电子游戏软件与达特茅斯学院和哈佛大学有很多相同的元素. 我们有优秀的学生和教师, 美丽的校园, 以及一个充满激情和忠诚的校友基础. 我们也有父母,他们是我们的使命和成功不可或缺的一部分. Pulling those communities together will help us accomplish what we are hoping for in this campaign.

你相信BC是耶稣会士的原因是什么, 高等教育从来没有像现在这样需要天主教的使命?

世界上有很多很棒的大学, 他们为我们的国家和世界提供了巨大的服务. 然而, there is something distinctive about a 电子游戏软件 education that other colleges and universities don’t have, 而实际上可能会回避. BC致力于提供整合知识的文科教育, 社会, 精神上的, and affective dimensions of a student’s life is not widely shared across higher education. BC graduates go out into the world looking to use their talents in the service of others. That component of their experience is going to have a lasting impact on their lives and the lives of others. 

How can BC graduates and parents from different parts of the country and the world participate in 飙升的高?

我们刚刚于9月28日在高地举行了一场精彩的竞选启动活动. 今年,我们将在纽约、加利福尼亚和芝加哥举办校友活动. We are also going to have smaller events in twenty other cities around the country in the coming year. 我们也将在国际各地举办活动. 这将是一场全球性的运动. 

你对那些校友和家长说些什么, “我不能捐款太多, 所以我的支持真的不重要?”

每一份礼物都很重要. 电子游戏软件是建立在慈善事业上的. Our institutional growth has been funded through the generosity and sacrifice of our benefactors, 不管他们能贡献多少. 在我们历史上的每一个时刻,当我们需要校友挺身而出的时候,他们都挺身而出了. 它造就了今天的电子游戏软件. This is a chance for this generation to step forward and provide the support that they have received from prior generations at any level they can. 2022年,我们收到的5.5万笔现金捐款中,有87%的金额不到1000美元. 小小的礼物蕴藏着巨大的力量. 

竞选活动的名字怎么样 飙升的高 选择?

电子游戏软件 is a university that is clearly in an upward trajectory, and we believe that 飙升的高 唤起向上的动力,没有界限. 它还与我们的吉祥物——一只飞得更高的鹰——很好地结合在一起.

What do you say to those 校友 from an earlier era who find a 30亿美元 campaign beyond anything they could have ever expected from their alma mater?

这是令人生畏的,但我们在法国有强大而经验丰富的领导层. 莱希和他的团队, 还有捐助者, 校友, 领导, 大学教研人员, 竞选的优先事项需要取得成功. 对于即将到来的一切,我感到非常荣幸和兴奋, 并相信我们有能力代表电子游戏软件实现这一竞选目标. 





学生支持: 通过经济援助和奖学金提供机会
学者: 投资世界一流的师资队伍和电子游戏正规平台
学生生活: enhancing experiences at the Heights through formative education, facilities, and athletics


To have 60 percent of undergraduate 校友 give at least once during the course of the campaign

布里吉德·多尔蒂,96年 丽晶和ren Jones ' 86, P ' 25, 受托人
辛迪和约翰·F. 鱼, 受托人
乔纳森一个. 和帕蒂·L. 卡夫P”24日 受托人
金·加塞特·席勒和菲利普·席勒1982年, 受托人
小雷蒙德·斯科维拉. 玛丽安·D. 短NC ' 73, JD ' 76, P ' 05, 受托人

